Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Daily Routine = Workaholic.

So I diagnose myself (yes, I am a doctor....in my mind) as a workaholic, seeing as I eat, sleep, and breathe life into forming this new chapter for AMSA at Seattle University.  I would say I've done a fair amount of work to this point in laying the foundation for this charter (mainly the constitution, bylaws, and general information that is needed), but I can't really continue forward until I get more members associated with this charter.  I need to get on top of getting officers to make the executive board, at the least, and begin constructing by the end of September, the very latest.  Perspective is what I need right now since I feel sort of like a dictator at this point, and don't care for all the power that comes with the executive president position; my main goal is just to help the future premeds, and act as a guiding tool for the executive officers since it is a really hard job to be the president.  I'll keep you updated, just volunteering now so I figured I might as well take a mental break from everything.

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