Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Danger Approaches...

Hi you all!  It has been a while since I last updated my blog, as you can clearly see the last update being last month, but I will tell you this, not much has changed since then!  So far, I am still working on developing that AMSA club, and I decided it would be prudent to work on it while school is in session because: 1) I can get officers more easily, and 2) I can talk to Becca at better times.  But I won't delve a whole lot deeper in that, all I know is that I need to make a blog to support the club and we should be almost 50% of the way functional!  But on a side note, I can't believe I am 20, I feel so old now compared to my counterparts.I guess it has it's perks, but for the most part, I'm just doing basically nothing. Just relaxing for another week until dreadful school starts, and that is when my schedule will become ridiculous.  I have my new schedule up, so I will most likely post it later.  Running out of space because I rambled too much but expect an update on here really soon!

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