Sunday, October 21, 2012


AUGH! I was hit by the flu-virus and feel like I may die :p  But I'll be fine.  Nothing much has happened in the past weeks that I had neglected to post again, however I did go to my sister's wedding last weekend, so I flew back home. I got exposed to the Hawaii weather, then my health declined again -_- all I can say for vog and all the other goodies that Hawaii holds.  But it was nice and warm over there, and I did get to talk with a lot of my friends' parents while I was there [it was a nice surprise, and seeing as my friends are in school over here in the mainland, I wouldn't expect them to be in Hawaii as well].  Catching up with everyone was nice, my sister's wedding was nice as well, but unfortunately I had a high fever towards the middle of her reception so I excused myself and found it to be 103 >.>  Tooks my physics exam with it and I'm sure I scored fine, but generally getting over the lagging symptoms of this cold and hope to be at 100 percent by next week.  Stay tuned!!


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