Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Finally Michael has caught a second-wind! Hello all! Thank you for reading, the fact you are reading this right now means you care :') But furthermore, I shall update you on what has been going on in my life right now. Currently academics and MCAT studying are wreaking me o.o I have so much that I do in such a short amount of time that it makes me stressed! But 괜찮아요. I should be fine for now, seeing as I am able to juggle it still :p Physics and Calculus at the same time is not as stressful as some people had painted it to be so I'm doing fine there, Philosophy is the killer for me right now seeing as I have lost my ability for argumentation and writing. The MCAT classes are relatively easy, not causing me too much stress, aside from the fact I have a ton of homework piling up from it, but I will attempt to finish that during break for Thanksgiving or for Winter Break and Christmas. My life is practically over for now, the dread of Junior year for me -_- But I shall still attempt to do everything I can to juggle all that I can and be there for people as much as humanly possible [until I gain my god power like Hercules haha]. But I shall keep you updated, check my FB and Twitter for daily updates from me. And for medical students out there, just a little something that I found interesting. It is a radio talk of cardiac disease, so you can try listen to it since it isn't that long.

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