Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Hello everyone, thank you for all of the awesomeness you guys show!  Just a brief update as to what has been happening recently with me.  So far, I have gotten my first haircut since the past 9 months and look a little differently :3 (A picture is uploaded to Twitter but not FB, since they are all a bunch of ungrateful nuggets).  So far I have been slacking on forming the AMSA club, I need to get in contact to see if it is even prudent to create the club, given how much stress I already have, but I shall persevere and see how it goes.  It would look good for me, but Pre-Health is off to a really great start so it may not even be needed.  Also I need to attend the first Pre-Health meeting and AMSA UW meeting to get the gist of what is going on between the two, how they are similar and different.  Academics is alright, the classes are much more time-consuming than I thought, but if I cut my sleep then I should be able to pull it off.  Plus having Fridays and Saturdays free is extremely helpful to me.  Love life is empty, sad day for Michael -_-  But it is alright, still breakdancing and studying for the MCAT to clear my head from stress.  Also Korean and Japanese stuff!  I am also listening to music and watching dramas, so it is a nice escape from the stress of the real-world.  Volunteering at multiple places at once, making Michael's head hurt @.@  But until next time, make sure to keep in touch and follow!!

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