Friday, May 10, 2013

New Post! [10 May 2013]

Hello all!  I always forget to post on here, but here is an update of what is going on right now.  A ton of stuff and stress.  Tip to all other future medical school applicants: get your stuff done early, start networking early, and apply early.  Don't let it all pile up until it becomes a big ball of super stress that K.O.'s you in one punch :(  But other than that, looking forward to going back home for Summer!  First time in 2 years that I get to go back :p  I am most likely going to get darker, longer hair, and a little skinnier when I head back this summer, so hopefully it will all work out!  Just became a pre-health officer at my school, and possibly becoming another officer for a different club, so I may be slightly busy.  But as always, you can contact me through FB, Twitter, Tumblr, or here and I'll most likely get back to you as soon as I can.  Good luck to all of you and until next time!

(Last minute note, if you haven't started, start playing video games!  Some people may call it a waste of time, or being nerdy/anti-social, but it really does help you out a ton if you play in moderation.  Instead of going for FPS-first person shooter- games, try to look more towards strategy based games since it will give you a mental work out to get past the levels in the game.  But FPS does help you with coordination and awareness, especially keeping calm in stressful situations.  The more that you know!)

Final note, since I just thought about it, I may end up starting another blog and jotting down all of these ideas that I have been thinking about these last couple of days.  For some, I am too lazy to look any more into, but my hope is that it will inspire some of you to think about it yourselves and possibly help towards the development of the future through innovations and rationality.  Until next time, thank you all for continuing to follow me!

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