Sunday, August 17, 2014


Hello all!
I have finally finished my education at Seattle University and have graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Biology! I am officially one step closer in my path towards becoming a medical student.  But since I decided on taking a gap year to further gain experiences in the medical field, pursue additional training as an emergency medical technician, and volunteer for my community, I will have a whole year before entering the medical school cycle.  That doesn't mean I can be lazy though! I am currently making sure all of my ducks are in order before school starts and that I am caught up with all that needs to be done.  Similarly, I have had a website (an actual website) for quite some time that I haven;t been working on so Summer has been a great opportunity to work on it. Coming back to Hawaii has been a relief as well since I missed gardening, which I am able to do here on occasion.  That's a brief update and comment if there's anything interesting you want to share or talk to me about! Also don't forget about my other blog!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014


With everything going on right now, I find minimal time where I can sit  down, and simply focus on writing a blog.  Let me try give it a shot again :D

Within the next three months, I will have graduated from Seattle University and will be going back home to Hawaii, where I will continue to pursue my education.  Right now, I plan on getting into a MA program, but only time will tell.  Since I am young, I have many options available, and as such, so should all of you (well, those of you who read this).  Thing is, there is much more time than people make it seem;  There will always be time to do something, it just depends whether it is a priority for yourself.  As of right now, I am not much of in a rush into things, but I am definitely pursuing opportunities as they come up, as well as actively looking into opportunities that may also arise.  At this point in life, all you can really do is plan for your future, but soon you will learn that it may not always pan out to what you would like it to be.  So what you must do is focus on what is happening right now, as well as leaving behind your past.

My time here at Seattle is limited, and there are many more things that I would like to say on this blog but I just don't have the time (see how I contradicted myself there? haha).  I will more than likely have another update coming, and making sure that I keep ontop of all the writing that I am doing!

