Saturday, September 14, 2013


MCAT was finished a week ago, and still recuperating from the exam, while continuing to study in the even that I need to re-take the exam.  Other than that, I finally have the time to begin preparations before school starts again in 10 days.  Similarly, watching two great K-dramas right now, Two Weeks and the Master's Sun, both being suspenseful, and both turning me into a fanboy.  Aside from that, begun to re-learn Japanese so that I can speak again but I project that it will take me a good 5-10 years before I become fluent in Japanese, and during that time I will also begin to learn Korean again, to which I can use both after 10 years of studying.  I fear kanji will take me the longest to learn, but I'll be able to associate them between the languages so not too worried about that, aside from the different translations I will need to know.  Other languages on my list after that are: Mandarin, and possibly Vietnamese.  We'll see how many languages I can learn and retain, to help me in the future if I ever need to use those skills.  Right now I just planted various plants at my house, and hopefully they grow into pretty flowering plants; which they are slowly starting to do now ^^

Began to lose weight and see how long this will last, hopefully for a long time but time shall tell.  Until my next entry, thank you for reading!!

