Thursday, November 29, 2012

Last Leg.

Hey all!  Finals are coming up really quickly and I need to do some massive studying before that happens >.<  But in other news, I am currently gearing up to apply for medical school, studying for the MCAT, doing all that I can before DDAY which I shall dub June 1st.  It is sort of stressful, and I feel like I'm on my own over here, but I know I'm not.  And I also know that I will be fine.  Talking to all of these different people and getting their knowledge is quite interesting because the people who you don't believe will help you, turns out to be more helpful than you initially think.  All I can say for now [since I need to rush to work soon] is that keep faith in me, follow me and my twitter, and I love all of you guys for doing so :)

I'll try post after work again, since I've been slacking a little but until the next update, I wish you all the best!
